1854 Piano Box Engine ~ Alma


1854 Piano Box Engine "Alma"         


          • Known as "Engine No 1"

          • Had a nine inch chamber and was capable discharging 149 gallons per minute.

          • Currently on display at the Yarmouth Firefighters Museum 

February 29th, 1892.

The Board of Fire Wards and Fire Commissioners beg to report as follows:


Your Board had said engine appraised by the caretaker, who fixed the value at $400, as per his return annexed hereto. But since said valuation was made, your Board have ascertained that the members of No. Six Division place a sentimental value upon said engine that cannot be calculated by dollars and cents, and as it is the only one left of the old hand engines, they recommend that the question of the sale of said engine be not entertained.

Source: Halifax Municipal Archives historical minutes, 1892-02-17to1892-03-31p257-0301


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