1797 The Firewards for the Town of Halifax

Historical period: Fire Insurance Companies

1797 The Firewards for the Town of Halifax

• In 1790, the Act of 1762 was amended for a fifth time, this time to increase in the number of Firewards from ten to fifteen, as Halifax had grown and now had more than its original five wards.


And whereas the number of firewards to be appointed by virtue of said recited Acts are found to be insufficient:


II. Be it therefore enacted, That from and after the publication hereof it shall and may be lawful for the Justices in their Sessions to nominate and appoint any number of fit and proper persons to discharge the duty of firewards, as in and by said recited Acts are directed, provided the number of such firewards so to be appointed shall not exceed fifteen, any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding (Province of Nova Scotia 1790).


• As of January 1, 1797, the Firewards for the Town of Halifax were as follows (Canadiana 1796, p. 33):


John George Pyke, Esq., Chair (Hand in Hand Fire Company)

Richard John Uniacke, Esq. (Hand in Hand Fire Company)

Michael Wallace, Esq. (Hand in Hand Fire Company)

Charles Hill, Esq. (Hand in Hand Fire Company)

Richard Kidston, Esq. (Hand in Hand Fire Company)

John Cleaveland (Unknown, Halifax treasurer)

James Cochran, Esq. (Unknown, merchant)

William Lawlor, Esq. (Unknown, merchant)

William Millet (Phœnix Fire Company, owned and ran an auction house)

Elias Marshall, Esq. (Unknown, Master of shipwrights at the naval yard)

George Bell (Unknown, had a hardware and glass store in Granville Street)

James Clarke, Esq. (Hand in Hand Fire Company)

Thomas Fillis (Phœnix Fire Company)

John Stealing (Unknown, merchant)

Andrew Liddell (Hand in Hand Fire Company, merchant)



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