Tynan, James


Time of service: Unknown - Unknown

LODD: Feb. 9, 1909

Associated company: Union Engine Company

Tynan was listed as a member of No. 4 Hand Division (hand-pumped fire engine), a Division of the Union Engine Company, as of February 11, 1891 (source: Halifax Municipal Archives, City Council minutes, February 13, 1891, p.364). He was one of the call-men appointed to the Halifax Fire Department after the dismissal of Daniel Kennedy and William Sutherland on March 7, 1901.


He died on June 9, 1909 at the N. S. Furnishing Co. fire on Argyle Street. 16 other firemen were injured at that fire, plus the Department's blacksmith.


Taken from Halifax Fire Department annual report 1909/10, page 124:

"One fatality occurred at a fire during the year. At the fire in the Nova Scotia. Furnishing Company's packing department building on June 9th, 1909, James Tynan, a member of No. 4 Hose Company, was one of those buried under the ruins when the structure collapsed. Strenuous efforts were used to remove the debris and the body was recovered within a few minutes alter the accident. His death was caused by being struck by portions of the falling building. Mr. Tynan had been a fireman for over twenty years. The City has created a fund of $1000.00, under the provisions of special legislation, on behalf of Mr. Tynan’s children."

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