Spruin, John

Time of service: Unknown - 1917

LODD: Dec. 6, 1917

Final rank: Veteran

Associated companies: Halifax Fire Department , Union Engine Company

John Spruin
In February 11, 1891, John Spruin was listed as a member of the Union Engine Company affected to the No. 1 Steam Fire Engine Division (source: Halifax Municipal Archives, City Council minutes of February 13, 1891, p. 363)
He died on December 6, 1917, when the munitions ship Mont Blanc exploded in front of Pier 6 in Halifax Harbour.
John Spruin was a veteran member of the Halifax Fire Department who was not liable for duty except in the event of a special call. When he saw the horse drawn engine pass on its way to the call, the old habit re-asserted itself and he sprang to the running board to do his part. One report has it that the wagon Spruin was riding in made a sudden lurch and he was flung to the ground and killed instantly.
Another report states that Spruin was hit by shrapnel from the Mont Blanc when it exploded killing him instantly. The offical cause of his death according to the death certificate was “shock due to injuries from explosion

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