Brunswick Street, U.E.C.

Commissioned: 1871

Decommissioned: 1933

Associated companies: Halifax Fire Department , Union Engine Company

On January 13, 1871, City Council passes a motion that reads: "Resolved that the Committee of City Property be requested to inform the Council at an early of day as possible the position of the contract for the construction of the new Engine House on Barracks Street"(the old name for Brunswick Street) "and as to the probability of the same being completed within the time limited for its construction." Motion passed.


City Property Committee, November 3, 1871 (from City Council minutes)


"The Committee of City Property report that the new Engine House, corner of George and Barracks Streets, is now fast advancing toward completion and in a very few days, will be handed over by the Contractor to the City. That the amount borrowed under an Act of Parliament to complete said building has been found insufficient therefor that already there has been overdrawn from the Treasury for this service the sum of thirteen hundred and ninety two dollars eighty six cents. That there is still due the Contractor on the original contract the sum of sixteen hundred and sixty four dollars, that for gas fittings and other services not included in Contract but absolutely necessary, there will be required a further sum of one thousand, and for apparatus for carrying hose and heating building, a further sum of eleven hundred dollars making a total of five thousand one hundred and fifty six dollars eighty six cents."


"They further recommend that the Treasurer be empowered to borrow immediately from one of the City Banks the amount necessary to complete the Engine House [...] to be repaid (?) of the monies borrowed under said Act of the Legislature."


City Council, November 17, 1871 (from City Council minutes)


"The following resolution No. 2 is now introduced:


Resolved that the committee of City Property is instructed to provide without delay the necessary apparatus for hose drying and heating the new Engine House and that this Council  will provide the means necessary to defray the expenses of the same in accordance with the resolution passed October 20th 1871. The Expenditure for this purpose not to exceed the sum of twelve hundred dollars. Moved by Alderman Duggan, seconded by Alderman [?], which on being put is passed unanimously."



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