1891 – With new housing needed for the expanding hook and ladder companies, a station to cover the South End was required. The location chosen was on Grafton, near Blowers, (the building is currently occupied by The Stubborn Goat restaurant). Housing four horses with which to pull No1 Truck and No1 Sleigh during the winter months meant that the Union Axe Company could transport their many ladders ranging in size from a 26’ regular ladder to a 50’ Bangor style ladder along with many sizes in between. The entire Company was comprised of some 40 members divided between the Gerrish St station in the North and this new Grafton House in the South.
From the City Council minutes of January 29, 1890:
Read report from the Board of City Works in reference to providing accommodation to the Union Axe Company.
Office Commissioners
Board of City Works
January 27/90
The Board of Works beg to report that at a meeting held on this day they had before them the matter of providing better accommodation for the Axe and Ladder Company when the report of the City Property Committee, a copy of which is attached hereto, was adopted and it was decided to recommend to the Council that provision be made for the purchase of a lot of land and the erection of a suitable building in accordance with the suggestion of the Committee. The cost of the whole not to extend five thousand Dollars $5,000.
Respectfully submitted
S. Mosher
The matter referred to your committee was in reference to providing suitable accommodation for the Union Axe Company and their apparatus. The Committee had before them the letters of C. A. McGinn, James Smyth, A Lamphier and Union Protection Company referring to the purchase or leasing of their respective properties.
After mature consideration your committee unanimously agree to report as follows.
That the premises at present occupied are totally unfit for the use of the Company's storage of Apparatus and proper care of the horses. Your committee is mindful of the changes suggested in previous report and believe they could somewhat improve the property they are now of the opinion however that even then in many ways it would be unsuited for the purpose.
Your Committee would not recommend a continuance of the lease, or the lease of any property but would loan it a question for the Board to decide.
Your Committee believe it would be in the best interest of the City for it to be the owner of a property (in the vicinity of the present Ladder House) and erect thereon a building in every respect suited for the purpose of a Ladder House Stables and convenience for the Company.
Your Committee would respectfully suggest that the Board recommend to the Council the necessity for the foregoing and that His Honor the Recorder be asked to prepare an act permitting the City to borrow money for said purpose and that said act be presented to the Legislature at its next session for enactment.
All which is respectfully submitted
Signed S. Mosher
H. F. Pickering
David Roche
January 27th 1890"
When the following motion is introduced.
Resolved that the Report be received and This Council instruct His Honor the Recorder to prepare an act to submit to the legislature at its next session to empower the City of Halifax to borrow a Sum of Money not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars for the purpose of Erecting a Hook and Ladder house for the Fire Department.
Moved by Alderman Mosher, seconded by Alderman Pickering which resolution on being put is passed.
October 27th, 1890.
Committee on Tenders met this evening to open tenders for loan of $5000 for the purpose of erecting a Hook and Ladder House for the Fire Department, as per advertisement. Aldermen present: Mackintosh, Foster and Outhit.
When the only tender received was opened, it being from J. C. Mackintosh, offering to loan the sum advertised for and give 100.01 for 4½ per cent. debentures or 98.75 for 4 per cent. debentures.
Your committee respectfully recommend the acceptance of the offer of $98.75 for 4 per cent debentures. All of which is respectfully submitted
When the following resolution is introduced. Resolved, That the tender of J. C. Mackintosh, offering to loan the City of Halifax $5,000 for the purpose of erecting a Hook and Ladder House for the Fire Department, and to give $98.75 for debentures bearing interest at 4 per cent per annum he accepted. Moved by Alderman Foster seconded by Alderman Pickering and passed.
Read report from the Board of Fire Words and Fire Commissioners on Tenders for site for Ladder House with sundry accounts passed by
the Committee.
1. The Board of Fire Wards and Fire Commissioners beg to report that a meeting held 9th inst., the following tenders for a site for Ladder House as per advertisement were opened, viz:
John K. Bent, 40 x 60, Brunswick Street $15.30 00
Peter Doyle, 41 x G3"]2-7, Old Reform Club $3400 00
B. G. Gray 40 x 60 Grafton Street $1200 00
C. W. McGinn, 40 x 60 odd, Grafton Street $1000 00
A. Lamphier, 42 X 60, present site $3000 00
After making a personal inspection of the different sites offered, your committee would recommend that the tender for C. W. McGinn, $1000, be accepted.