Isleville Engine House, U.E.C.

Commissioned: 1883

Decommissioned: 1917

1883 – As Halifax sprawled to the North along the peninsula the need for even more fire protection became necessary. Hose Station No 4 was built on Gottingen in the Islesville area, on the South corner of Almon. Housing Hose Cart No 4, “Resolute” along with a spare hose cart and a supply of hose, the Islesville station served the north end for many years until the fateful morning of December 6th, 1917, when Hoseman John Duggan mounted the station hose cart and headed for Pier 6 where a ship fire had been reported. The resulting fire and catastrophic explosion not only took the life of Duggan, who’s body was never recovered, but damaged the Islesville station beyond absolute repair. At the time of the explosion this station also housed the reserve steam engine, “Devonshire”. Eventually, in April of 1919, it was recommended by Board of Control that the engine house be sold.

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