1784 A New Fire Engine for the Town of Halifax

Historical period: The Union Engine Company

A New Fire Engine (1784)


• In 1784, a letter was sent to the Governor by the justices of the Peace to request the purchase of a new fire engine for the town. It is unknown who wrote to the Justices of the Peace to ask for a new engine in the first place, but it was probably the Firewards (whose duty was to provide new material), who in turn addressed a request from the Fire Engine Company. Here are the contents of the letter: 


At His Majesty's Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace within and for the Town and County of Halifax aforesaid on this first Day of October in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Four.


Whereas it has been represented to this Court that a Fire Engine is much wanted for the Town of Halifax and its Suburbs and that a very excellent one can be purchased for the Sterling cost in England, which may be about One Hundred Pounds. And as the Inhabitants of the Township of Halifax were taxed last year upwards of Two Hundred Pounds for Ladders, Buckets, and Bags, and the Justices in their said Sessions having considered thereof, recommends and humbly submit to His Excellency the Governor the propriety of purchasing the said Engine and causing the same to be paid for, out of the publick funds in the Treasury.

By Order of said Court

Daniel Wood, Clerk of the Peace

11th November 1784


The Governor recommends to the Consideration of the House of Assembly, the above representation made to the General Sessions of the Peace.

Richard Bulkely (Nova Scotia Archives 1784)

                    Commissioner of Public Records, Nova Scotia Archives RG 1, Vol.301, No.60


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