Registration Number: 249 Sales Order: 45624 Shipped: 6/2/1913 • Yet another first in… [read more...]
"Cornwallis" 1917 American LaFrance Pumper Toronto, Ont., November 28, 1917. Mr. L. Fred. Monaghan, City Clerk, Hal… [read more...]
June 5th 1917, from Board of Control Minutes: It was decided to allow selection of a car for the Chief of the Fire Department to rest with Hi… [read more...]
On April 18, 1918, the Board of Control minutes state that: "On recommendation of Controller Hines, it is decided to call the new Motor Fire Eng… [read more...]
June 6th 1918 from Board of Control Minutes: Tenders are received and opened for a motor car for the Chief of the Fire Department. … [read more...]
Built for the City of Toronto as an ice-breaking fire tug in 1929 by Collingwood Dry Dock, Shipbuilding and Foundry Company in Colling… [read more...]